In 1963 graduated from the Moscow Institute of Architecture.
Since 1971 - Member of the Union of Architects of Russia.
The initial period of creativity characteristic of abstract compositions on the theme of space. At the same time solved the problem of materialization of the picture plane. This painting-objects, which are features of the metaphysical art. In those same years, he studies the various proportional systems, and uses them in his works.
In the 70-80-ies of the artist's work was sent in search of a new figurative art. Objectivity was read through the details, contour, sign. The purpose of art in this period - excite the viewer and cause the emotional argument.
In the 90 years Pankin again turned to abstract shaping. The basis of the works was the geometrical and proportional analysis of
Kazimir Malevich's Suprematist compositions, as well as works by other artists. Under the program 'Malevich and visual thinking' made several exhibition projects. They have become a kind of dialogue with the artist's art Russian avant-garde 20s.
Research experience has given impetus to the implementation in the space of art: mathematical objects ('metaabstraktsiya'). Number series, irrational and transcendental numbers, scientific concepts and ideas have become an impetus for the formation of an art form. At the same time, there is a steady build a harmonious, balanced compositions, comfortable for the perception of the viewer.
Creativity Alexander Pankin recent years directed to the border with the science area and drawn to the intellectual forms of spirituality.
Recognition came to the artist only with a makeover. During the period from 1988 to 2008 there were more than 30 solo and over 100 group exhibitions in Russia and abroad.
Alexander Pankin lives and works in Moscow.